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Output from 20 to 100 M3/H compacted concrete.

Cuoghi delivers Concrete Mixing Plants for Precast Solutions, from the high output installations with multiple production lines to the simple and small units for mobile projets.

Technology level is equally available in a diversified proposal, to answer case by case to the real requirements of the client.

Our Precast Concrete plants have been used for :

  • presstressed concrete elements

  • Extruded hollow core slabs

  • paving stones and curbstone

  • feed of egglaying concrete block machines

Whatever your project is, we have the solution!!


Our Precast concrete plants have:

  • Moisture sensors under the batching gates for water compensation

  • Microwave probe in the mixer for water batching adjustment and A/C ratio control (Option)

  • Watt-metric slump control

  • Softwares complete and highly specific to run in the best way a Precast business

  • maximum flexibility to fit easily into any existing building and integrate to the exisiting precast lines

  • Wide possibilities of colored concrete production

  • implementation of Modern Concrete Distribution systems

Also available are:

  • Plants with double Mixers for face and core stone

  • Equipment for Upgrade and retrofit of existing installations

Cuoghi s.r.l. concrete plants



Cuoghi S.R.L. is part of a Group of Companies  controlled and directed by ALMOIT s.rl.

Registered Office: Via Madonna della Neve, 41 - 24121 Bergamo - Italy- 

Operative Office: Via della Tecnica, 56 - 41122 Modena - Italy 

Tel. (+39) - E-mail: -

Cuoghi s.r.l. concrete plants
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Cuoghi s.r.l. - P. Iva 01433370366
Direzione: Viale Vittorio Veneto, 59 - 41124 Modena - Italy

Stabilimento: Via Della Tecnica, 56 - 41122 Modena - Italy

Tel. (+39) - Fax (+39) 
E-mail: -

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